Stable E-Trakka system upgraded

One of the tools the stable uses to track our horse’s progress is the E-Trakka and we have recently introduced the new E-Trakka XV3 improved system to all our stable locations.

The E-Trakka itself is a special saddle-cloth rigged up with a built in fitness monitoring system that records the horse’s stride length, heart rate, speed and sectional times. This information is then automatically uploaded to the stable’s database where we can view the results.

Having had our existing system since 2012, and after the initial trialling of the new E-Trakka XV3 system which allows for real-time viewing of the data as it’s collected, Chris has decided to upgrade with a view of increasing the data collection within the stable and commented, “I have been watching this technology steadily develop and there is no doubt the results are showing its value will continue to improve. With the benefits from the smart real-time data we have access to, we want to ensure we stay at the cutting edge of racehorse training for our clients.”